© Hamonazaryan from Pixabay via Canva Pro

It all started with the words
Established in 2022, ARH Inspirations was the creation of author Shannon Leach, whose love for words and desire to encourage others led her to pursue sharing her stories with the world. Based on her personal mission of encouragement, A Repurposed Heart, ARHI was intended to be an avenue to self-publishing. Yet, as callings sometimes go, what she thought was only about her work became about something greater.
As she learned more about the writer's world and met other creators chasing the same dreams, she found herself spending her time helping other authors navigate solutions for struggles with branding, marketing, writing blocks, story structure, and even procrastination. She soon discovered she was passionate about more than just getting her own message out into the world, she also wanted to help other inspirational creators get their message out into the world too.
Shannon now uses her combined experience in social work, nonprofit work, coaching, freelance writing, branding, and marketing to help others overcome the barriers to their own creative and inspirational paths. This unexpected journey earned ARH Inspirations a new tagline and mission of "Bringing Creations of Light to the World."
Following the ethical guidelines of the International Coaching Federation and the commission of her faith, Shannon believes encouraging others in their creative calling is a great responsiblity and a wonderful honor. She continues to write her own creations of light, which can be found in Guideposts books and magazines, Chicken Soup for the Soul books, and on her own website, A Repurposed Heart.

Meet the ARHI team
We have an amazing group with amazing gifts working behind the scenes to make sure your message gets where it needs to go. Meet the creative team bringing your creations of light to the world.

Shannon Leach
Owner, Creativity Coach

Seth McDaniel
Video Design and Editing